Defining an Action

Defining an Action

For each type of Automation task, users have to define an automation action. Every action, needed to be within a Step. Each Step can also have several automation actions. 

Actions are the components that makes Automating iEnterprise CRM really powerful. The product comes with the most common types of Actions and a facility to create complex ones as well. Available Action types option depends on weather the Automation task is running on the UI or background.

Automation Action are shared across the modules.

We recommend that users who want to create an Action read and understand the different Action Types.

How to Add an Automation Action

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click on  Automation > Action List.  Page opens and all Actions are laid out.

3.  Click New Action. Form opens.

4.  Enter an Action Name.

5.  Select Action Type. Form refreshes depending on the type selected.  Fields varies per type of action.

Click to see Definition of Action Types.

6.  Click Submit.

This action will now be listed under the Select Actions drop down on the Step section when creating an Automation Task.  Please click to see Definition of Automation Types.

How to Edit an Automation Action

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click Action name to open the specific action.

3.  Make necessary changes.

4.  Click Submit.

If the Action name is changed, it will be reflected on all Automation Tasks referencing this Action.

How to Delete an Automation Action

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click the delete icon (trashbin) on the right side of the Action.

3.  Click Delete on the Proceed with Deletion prompt.

List is refreshed and action is removed

The action is also removed from Automation Tasks > Step referencing this Action.

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