Lead Capture via Webservices

Lead Capture via Webservices

Here is an alternate way to capture leads from your website if you do not use Wordpress.

How to Capture Lead using API request

Here is a documentation of the “Create” request API call. Basically you are sending a “POST” request to the endpoint as mentioned below with the Fields JSON as post data.

If you are creating to Leads module, end point = https://icrm.ienterprises.com/rest/v1/leads

If you are creating to Registration module, end point = https://icrm.ienterprises.com/rest/v1/registrations


If success, you will get the response as shown below which include the ID of the created record.

Create record REST API :

Create new record.

POST /rest/v1/:module

Request body : Fields and values as JSON Object


    “Field1” : “value”,

    “Field2” : “value”


Return json (id)


    “success” : true,

    “id” : “xxxxx”


Possible Next Step

You may keep the records as Leads or you may convert them as Contacts.

Here is a link on How to Convert a Lead to Contacts.

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