Module Settings

The Basic iEnterprise CRM installation includes 9 modules : Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Products, Activities, Library, Tickets and Setup.  These are all available with the Free Version.

The rest of the modules, Subscription, Call Reports, Events, Registration and Custom Modules are only available with the Unlimited Version.  Here is link on how to Purchase Unlimited Version.

Most labels, field names, titles and actions can be customized to preference. These settings are effected throughout the application. 

The form layout is easily setup by using the drag and drop feature.

Main lists are also managed within the form settings.

Customize Module

All modules in iEnterprise CRM has a combination of system and user-defined fields.   

Changing Form Layout, adding fields, adding sections and other configuration is an Administrative task thus the button only appears for iCRM users who have Administrator rights.

The Customize Module button can be accessed from each of the Accounts from the List page, on the Form itself.

There are five tabs, namely: Form, Main List, Context List, Labels and Other Settings.

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