Action Types

Action Types

Here is the list of the different Action Types available in Automation.   The available fields are refreshed depending on the Action type selected.

Set Field Value

- this action Overwrites the field with the specified value.

  1. Select Module where the field is located
  2. Select the Field Name
  3. Following are the ways to set the Value field:

    a. Enter or select a hard coded value

    b. Use the different formula below.

       Use "@" key to insert field placeholders

                    Ex:  $$accounts_SalesPotential$$ + 10000.  New field value is value of the field sales potential plus 10000.

       Use Set Today to set todays date

            Ex:  Today.  New field value is the date when the automation is run

       Use Today +/- {number} to set a future or past date. 

             Ex:  Today - 7.  New field value is one week prior

       Use Numeric/Date field placeholder +/- {number}.

             Ex:  $$contacts_Birthday$$ - 1.  New field value is one day before Birthday of contact.

       Use PHP functions with field placeholders

             Ex:  (strtotime('$$subscription_SubscriptionEndDate$$') - strtotime('Today')) / (60*60*24*30.5)

             New field value is the remaining months till end of subscription.

   c. Prompt for Value. Following are 2 ways to set the Value field:

       a.  Enters or selects a value from a list.

       b.  If the field is a Reference field, then the user has a facility to select from a list of records base on the Reference Field setup.

            On save, the value of the field is a link to the actual record selected. 

            This field can also be added on the Main List and other views.

       4.  Toggle radio button to either Overwrite or Append to the original value of the field

Remove Field Value

- this action Removes the specified value from the field.

  1. Select Module where the field is located
  2. Select the Field Name
  3. Enter or Select the Value to remove

Send Email

- this action Sends an email to the recipient list as selected.

  1. The Mail Sender defaults to the Account Owner is an option to select Current User or Enter an Email address for the Sender.
  2.  For the Recipients To: , Cc: , Bcc:
    1.  Contact - the associated Contact of that record
    2.  Owner - the Account owner for that record
    3.  Other Fields - select one or multiple Email fields, for example, Involved, Assigned to and others.
    4.  Other - enter a specific Email address.
  3.  Type a combination of Text and Fields (tags) for the Email Subject.
    1. Note: Press "@" key on the keyboard to insert field placeholders.   Select from the drop down of available fields.
  4.  Type a combination of Text and Fields (tags) for the Email Body.
    1. Note: Press "@" key on the keyboard to insert field placeholders.   Select from the drop down of available fields.
    2. You may also add a url back to the record on process by selecting Record Link from the drop down.  Useful on Team collaboration.
  5.  Use Email Signature - select this checkbox to add closing notes to the email showing the content of the Signature field on your User Profile.

Show Prompt

- this action displays an information message to the user.

  1.  Prompt Type is default to OK
  2.  Enter Prompt Text.

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