iCRM with Lotus Notes Connector

iCRM with Lotus Notes Connector

Here are instructions on how to install the Lotus Notes Connector to your mail file.

 Download the Client Installer

If you have not downloaded the installer yet, follow this link to get the latest iCRM Lotus Notes Installer.  

Click on the .zip file.

Look for the .zip file on your default download folder.

Unzip the file and this should give you the file "ConnectorInstaller.nsf"

 Make a Copy of Your Mail Template

Copy Your Mail Template before you begin – If you are planning to install the Lotus Notes Connector into a mail template it is recommended that you create a new mail template for initial testing and production deployment to CRM users only. This can be done using as follows.

  1.  Open your current production mail template typically named (mail.ntf) in Notes Client or Domino Administrator client.
  2.  Click on File  > Application > New Copy
  3.  In the 'New Copy' dialog box :

     Server - Choose your Domino Mail Server

     Title – Give your Master Mail Template a name that tells the views what this is.  Example: “CRM Mail Master Template”

     File Name – the programmatic name of your mail template. This must end in .ntf.  Keep similar to the Title. Example: “CRMMail.ntf”

     Encryption – Do NOT encrypt.  Click this button and choose to NOT encrypt.  If you selected your mail server in step 1, this button may not appear.  If you do not see it, then skip this step.

     Application Design Only – Choose this selection when making a template.

     Once done with all 5 items, click OK.

  4.  Open the Properties of the NTF you just made, and on the Design Tab set this as a Master Template, and Enter the name you want this Template to have. Example: “CRM Master Template” 03

 Install the Lotus Notes Connector into the Copy of Your Mail Template

Run the LNC on a mail file to load new design elements into the mail design or a copy of the mail design.

  1.  Open "ConnectorInstaller.nsf" Click 'Next' on the opening page.
  2.  Click on "I Agree" to the License Agreement and click OK.
  3.  Click the "Select Mail database" button to select the Mail File\Mail Template file you want to update for example CRMMail.ntf.
  4.  Once all fields are entered, click the "Install button".  You will be prompted to confirm Installation, select "Yes" to continue.  

(tick)  OR follow this link for detailed steps on How to Install the Lotus Notes Connector for iCRM Plugin.

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