Managing Scheduled Automation

Managing Scheduled Automation

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click on  Automation > Automation Setup.  Page opens and Automation list displays per type defaulting to Quicklinks.

3.  Click New Automation. Form opens.

4.  In the Automation Type, select Scheduled Automation.

5.  Toggle Status.  Active is default.

Active - this automation runs on scheduled

In-active - automation does not run

6.  Enter the Automation Name.

Enter name of automation task.

7  Select the Module from the selection drop down

8.  Select Saved Search name by clicking the "+" icon .  Saved search List is from selected module.

Automation will only process these filtered records.

This saved search must be already be setup first.

9.  Enter or select the Run Date of the automation action. Date when automation runs or commencement date if it runs repeatedly.

10. Enable or disable Repeats check box.

a.  If Repeats is enabled, select repeat setting.  Select frequency : Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

If Frequency = Daily, click Repeat only on drop down and select specific days when the automation needs to run.

      1. Enable or Disable Run it multiple times on run date
      2. Enable or Disable Process records only once a day

11.  Enter or select the Until Date of the automation action

12. Click Send Notification to and select recipient, whether Creator or Other users.  Defaults to the creator of the automation.

If Others is selected, type a valid email address on the field.

13.  Proceed with Defining Automation Steps (click to see detailed steps).

14. Click Save.

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