Creating a New Contact

Creating a New Contact

Records in iEnterprise CRM modules should be associated to an Account because the basic security is Accounts based. 

The Contacts form can be configured by the Administrator as far as field positions, labels, making entries mandatory and adding user-defined fields.

The contact form is shipped with a set of fields that are system-defined, and cannot be removed from the form. Some of these fields can be hidden and re-labeled as needed.

There are two ways to create a contact: from an Account record and from the Contact list.

How to Create a new Contact

1.  Select Contacts from the Object Navbar.

2.  Click on New Contact Button from the Action bar.

A new Contacts form is opened and some default fields are pre-populated.  The form is organized by section, Account information, address information, other information.

Another way to create a new contact record is to open the Account, go to Related tab and click the New button on the Contacts section. This will automatically associate the contact to the Account.

3.  Enter First name, Last Name and Email.  Lastname is mandatory fields by default. Required fields are denoted by (*) asterisk.

4.  Select Account Name by Click the drop-down and select the account from the dialog box. It is mandatory and associates the Contact to that Account.

Account name and owner are pre-populated if contact is created from the Account record.

Owner is populated with the owner of the account selected. Default values for account privileges is set.

Created by fields default to the current user.

5.  Enter values for Contact related system-defined fields.

Department, Job title, Contact type, Home phone, Home fax, Cellphone and Other phone

6.  Enter values user-defined fields, if applicable.  All User-Defined Fields are setup and configured by the Administrator.

7.  Contact Address and business phone can be different from the Account address. Enter all these details.

8.  Enter values for Comments, if desired.

9.  Select Mailing list, if desired.

10. On the Photo field, click Browse to access the directory and select a file. File is a picture file and recommended to be either in .jpg or .png format.

11.  Click Save.  The contacts form closes and contact record is now displayed on the Contacts List and under the Contacts section of the associated account.

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