Email Merge Action

Email Merge Action

iCRM provides you with an easy to setup Email Merge functionality.

E-mail Merge Template must already been created.

Outgoing Email Settings must already be set.

How to run an Email Merge

1.  Select Contacts or Leads from the Object Navbar.

2.  Click on Tools > Email Merge button from the Action bar. Wizard opens.

3.  You may be presented with 2 or 3 options for the record Source: Selected Records, Public Mailing List and View.

a.  For Record Source = Selected Record. Email recipient are the selected contacts, count of which is displayed on screen.

Note: This option will only show if customer has selected records from the open view.

b.  For Record Source = Public Mailing ListEmail recipient are contacts with the same entry on the Mailing list field.

On the Public Mailing List dropdown, select a Mailing List.

c.  For Record Source = ViewEmail recipient are contacts listed on the selected view.  Here is a link on How to Create a view.

On the View dropdown, select a View. 

4.  Click Next, dialog box opens.

5.  Set Exclude from Mailing List checkbox as needed.

6.  Select Sender.   This can be the user logged-in or the Account Owner.

7.  Select Reply To.  This can be the user logged-in or the Account Owner.

8.  On the Email template dropdown, select a Template.

The first dropdown is for category if you sent a category on the template.

9.  Click Choose File, to attach a file.

10. Click and select a record from the Library module, as needed.

11.  Type Internal Comments as needed.

12.  Click Next, dialog box opens.

Notice that Mail Preview displays.  This shows the number of recipients and other details.

You may edit as desired.

13.  Click Send.

14.  Click Yes on Proceed prompt box.

  • E-mail is sent and activity log is created.
  • This Email then goes on a queue and will be sent in a set interval by a CRON job process.

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