Outgoing Email Settings

Outgoing Email Settings

Each tenant or customer will need to provide its own SMTP details. Mailing from the CRM is sent to a queue and handled by Cron jobs. The jobs tries 3 times to send the email successfully.  The status of the process can be monitored on the Activity Log list.

Emails that are sent from the CRM, be it direct or scheduled via automation will only be delivered if the SMTP Setting is correct.

How to Setup your SMTP

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar and select Global Settings.

2.  Click Outgoing Email Setting on the left panel.

3.  On the Provider dropdownselect a provider.

a.  If Google or Outlook.com

Click Connect.

Choose an account that you want to use, in case there are multiple accounts active.

Enter Password.  This is the password for your mailbox.

Prompt box displays asking you to Allow iCRM to access your calendar, click Allow button.

b.  If Office365,

Enter Username and Password

c. Other providers,

Enter Username and Password

4.  Click Save

5. Click on Test Connection to confirm.

Current user is the sender.

SMTP should allow routing emails with any domain users as sender.

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