CRM User Profile

CRM User Profile

Each user in iEnterprise CRM is given an individual account called User Profile. Privileges, security, preferences and other defaults are set in this record.

The User Profile setup can be accessed by individual users by clicking on their name or the Preferences link on the User Bar. They can edit some fields such as phone numbers and address. Changes to other settings should be made by the Administrator.

The User Profile form is composed of the following information:

User Information

Displays the main information data for this user such as name, phone and address details. Organizational details such as department and job title is also found here.
User's email which also functions as the user's login name is setup in this section.

Security Settings

Displays the Designation, Group and other information.
The Account Level Default and the user setup for them is also shown on this section.

System Settings

Displays the default settings inherited from the Company Profile and other defaults particular to this user, such as currency, export rights. 
The Active field is also is this section


Displays the date and time that the user logged into the system. It also shows the last modified information for this record.

Account Level Default

Displays all the available module and the users rights to Create, Modify, Delete and/or View records in each of them.


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