Transfer Accounts

This feature is to make it easy to give ownership from one Account Owner who became inactive to another user.

All records in iEnterprise CRM follow security based on the user profile of the Owner of the associated Account. However, Ownership can be changed or transferred from one user to another.

The security of the account and all associated records then defaults to the security of the new owner. The new owner can then make adjustments, if desired.

To Transfer an account, the user has to be set Inactive on his profile.

How to Transfer Account Privileges:

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click on User Settings > Manage Users.

3.  Click the Inactive Users tab.

4.  Select the user name to open the record.

5.  Click Transfer Accounts on the Action buttons.  Dialog box opens.

6.  On the Transfer Accounts dialog box, on select user name from the To drop down.

7.  Click Transfer button.

8.  Another confirmation prompt displays, click "Yes" to proceed.

Account ownership is now transferred to the selected user.

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