Trust iEnterprise Mail Sync for Gmail

Trust iEnterprise Mail Sync for Gmail

Follow these steps to whitelist the Gmail automatic sync app from iEnterprises.

  1. Login to G Suite admin panel : https://admin.google.com/

  2. Open Security → API controls (Screenshot - 1 )

  3. Click the link “MANAGE THIRD PARTY APP ACCESS” (Screenshot - 2 )

  4. Check if “iEnterprise Mail Sync” app is listed there

    1. If Yes, hover the mouse over it to see the “Change access” link and trust the app. (Screenshot - 3)

    2. If Not listed, click “Add app → OAuth app name” and search for “iEnterprise Mail Sync” and add the app and trust it as mentioned above. (Screenshot - 4 and 5)

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