Setting up Connector for Gmail and Netsuite

Setting up Connector for Gmail and Netsuite

Enable OAuth2

Make sure OAuth2 is enabled in NetSuite.

If not, NetSuite Administrator need to enable Token Based Authentication (2) and Oauth2 globally by navigating to Setup → Company → Enable Features → SuiteCloud.

Suite Bundle Installation

  • Navigate to Customization → SuiteBundler → Search and Install Bundles
  • In the “Keywords” box, type in “iEnterprises Gmail Connector”
  • Click on “iEnterprises Gmail Connector” from the resulting list and from the window that follows, click “Install”
  • Follow the instructions and install the Bundle

Suite Getting Script URL(for Login from Connector)

  • Once the Bundle is successfully installed, navigate to Customization → Scripting → Script Deployments
  • Expand the “Filters” panel and set the following filters:
    o TYPE : RESTlet
    o STATUS: Released
    o RECORD TYPE: All
    o API VERSION: 2.1
    o SCRIPT: iEnterprises Gmail Connector
  • After filtering you’ll find the Deployment. Click on “View” button
  • In the window that follows, look for “EXTERNAL URL”
  • Copy it and paste in the “Gmail Connector Script” section of the Add-on

## When a user login to NetSuite from Connector, the user will get
automatically logged out from the browser session. But, user can login again
in browser and use both Connector and browser session without any issues.

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