Set Email Integration
To be able to fetch the emails from your mailbox and show them on the CRM, a correct IMAP details and credentials is mandatory.
Email Integration must be enabled on Global Settings > Integration. If not, please refer to Enable Email Sync step.
How to Set Email Integration details
1. Click User Information icon on the Tools bar.
2. Select Open User Profile link.
3. When form is open, click Edit.
4. Click Email Sync tab
5. Select Enable Email Integration checkbox.
6. The Mail (IMAP) Server details section displays
7. On the Provider dropdown, select a provider.
a. If Google on
Click Connect.
Choose an account that you want to use, in case there are multiple accounts active.
Enter Password. This is the password for your mailbox.
Prompt box displays asking you to Allow iCRM to access your calendar, click Allow button.
b. If Office365,
Enter Username and Password
c. If iCloud,
Enter Username and Password*
*You have to generate an app-specific password to use with iEnterprise CRM. Refer this link for instructions :
d. If Exchange Server,
Enter Server, Username and Password
e. Other,
Enter Server and Port
Enter Username and Password
Select Requires SSL checkbox
8. Screen refreshes and status says "Connection Success".
9. Click Save.
Next Step
The user may now be able to see the emails on the Contact record. The Email Tab is added.
Here is a link to the Contacts form for reference.
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