Import Fields

Import Fields

Mandatory Fields

Import will not proceed if there are mandatory columns (mapped fields) that are missing in the source file. 

Accounts - Mapped labels for Account name and Account Owners

Account Owners should be in email format. If email is not found on the user profile or if column is blank then it defaults to the user executing the import.

Contacts - Mapped labels for Account name and Last Name

Leads - Mapped labels for Account name, Last Name and Leads Owner

Opportunities - Mapped labels for Account name and Opportunity Name

Tickets - Mapped labels for Account name, Ticket Title, Assigned to and Received Date

Library - Mapped labels for Account name and Title

Events, Products and all the other Custom Modules - Mapped labels for Account name and the translation label for the system field Custom Text1

Activities - Mapped labels for Subject

Duplicate Checks

Accounts - Account name

Contacts - Combination of Account name, Last Name, First Name and Email

Leads - Combination of Account name, Last Name, First Name and Email

Opportunities - Opportunity Name

Tickets - Ticket Number

Library - Title

Activity - no duplicate check

Custom Modules - no duplicate check

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