CSV Import

CSV Import

How to Import from a .csv file

For this guide, we will use the Accounts module. The process is the same for the other modules.

Account Ownership

If the person running the import is not the sole Owner of the accounts being uploaded, the CSV file must have a column for Account Owner and this must be filled-up with the username of valid iCRM users, before import.

  1.  Click button Import Records

     This button appears by default if there are no records for that module.  Otherwise, use the Tools > Import.

  2.  Select CSV/Text file.

  3.  Click Browse button and select your .CSV file.

     You have to have a file in a .csv format with the information you want imported to iCRM.

  4.  There are 2 ways to the mapping, you may choose to do anyone of these:

    a.   Use Import Definition

          1.  Click checkbox Use Import Definition

           2.  Select the Import Definition to be used.  * This must already be setup by the Admnistrator, follow this link for instructions on how to Setup Import Definition

    b.   Use automatic mapping

           1.  Map the fields from the left (file column titles) to the corresponding iCRM fields on the right.

                 The function matches the column titles and the field labels for the mapping.

  5.  If there is a field from source that you want to import but the field does not exist on form, click Add New Field button.

     Dialog box to Add New Field opens,  here is a link to How to Add Form Fields for step-by-step guide.

     New field now appears on the list and can now be mapped.
  6.  Fill-up Import Settings.   Click this link for details on Import Settings.

  7.  Click Start Import.

     There may be some required fields on the default configuration like Account Name.  An error message will show the mandatory fields for that module. These fields have to be mapped.

  8.  Click Yes to proceed.

  9.  Click Ok on the import success prompt.

  10.  Note that an Activity log is created for this process where you can see the number of records added, not added or duplicates.

  11.  Click on the Module link or any of the views to see the records.

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