Import Definition

Import Definition

Data from other sources can be imported to iEnterprise CRM. If source is CSV or Text, customer may use a definition for import fields.

How to create an Import Definition

1.  Click Setup from the Toolsbar.

2.  Click on Templates > Import Definition

3.  Click New Import from the Action bar.  Dialog box opens.

4.  On the New Import Config dialog box, Enter Name.  

5.  On the Module, select a module from the drop down list.

6.  Select a Multi-keyword Separator; values are Pipe and Semicolon.

On the source file, entry that has the separator indicated on this field will be considered as separate entry to a multi-value keyword field.

7.  One by one, enter the corresponding column heading under the Source fields column.

All fields that are applied on the form are listed under iCRM fields column

Note that labels need to be exactly the same as written on the column headings. Order of columns is not a factor

8.  Click Submit.

The new definition is added to the list.

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