Show Db changes

Show Db changes

The Show Db menu has been redesigned, so that all features previously displayed under standard / advanced options have now been combined into a single page:

The sample above shows that the CFG_CADCONTEXT table has been selected in the dropdown selection box and the columns contained in that table are displayed in the left.  To select another table and view the columns configured, tap on the dropdown selection box and choose a new table.

The value in the right hand window shows the current query.  Any action performed will be using the query in this window.  The example above shows a select query.

The options displayed are as follows:

  • Save: Save the query entered in the right hand box as a "saved query".  This will allow you to reselect the query and run again at a future date.
  • Saved Queries: Display a list of previously saved queries.  Queries can be retrieved and run again.
  • Generate: This displays a pop out window.  Users can select a table and fields within the table to automatically add them to the query window.  It allows administrators the ability to build the columns needed in a query without having to use cut/paste or typing.  Click on the X (Close icon) to close the page, all fields selected remain in the query window where the command can be edited / executed.
  • Fetch:  Execute the current query against the database
  • Download:  Execute the current query and export the results as a CSV file