How to change the server logging level

How to change the server logging level

In order to see the Web Service request that are being sent to the data source, we need to change the logging level on the server.  In order to preserve performance on the server, the suggested logging level is INFO, however, Web Service requests are responses are ONLY captured in the logs, when the logging level is set to DEBUG.

Step-by-step guide

From the Admin console:

  1. Navigate to Utility > Show Log from the menu tree

  2. You then select DEBUG from the list of logging types, on closing the list, the server logging level will be updated, and you will see a success, or a failure message shown at the top of the window.


Please note, on restarting Tomcat, the logging level will revert to the level that was defined during the installation. To permanently change the logging level, you should use the installer to update the logging level. Please see Change log level and log path