Setting up multi-configuration

Setting up multi-configuration

The multi-configuration feature is disabled by default, if you wish to enable, the following keys will need to be set in Administrator->System Keys:

  • enable.multi.config - This controls whether the multi configuration feature is enabled
  • multi.config.field.name - This is the field in the user record used to match to a configuration in our server
  • enable.multi.config.getupdates.rule - If set to "No", one set of rules (base configuration) is used to handle getupdates across all configurations.  Setting to "Yes" allows you to configure getupdates rules at an individual config level.  There is an overhead in allowing multiple rules, for more information see Multi-configuration Considerations

Missing keys

If the keys above are not displayed in your console, please contact iEnterprises to enable this feature.  A server upgrade may be required

If enable.multi.config.getupdates.rule is the only key missing, a server ugprade is required to enable this feature.  You can still enable the multi-configuration feature but only the Base Configuration getupdates rules will be used, you will not be able to set up different rules in individual configurations.

Steps to enable

To enable the multi-configuration feature:

  1. Log in to the Swift MEAP™ console
  2. Navigate to Administrator -> System Keys
  3. Use the search or navigate to set the key enable.multi.config to system key to Yes
  4. You need to define which field in the user record should be used to determine the configuration a user receives.  This needs to be set in the key multi.config.field.name.  For more information, see Multi-configuration Process.  Note: This can be the last process followed, to prevent users activating before a CAD is available for them.  Until this is defined, all users will receive the Base Configuration.
  5. You need to create individual configurations with a name that matches the multi.config.field.name (user record values).  For more information on how records are routed, see Multi-configuration Process
    1. Navigate to Cad Management menu item and select the Configuration/language management tab
    2. In the Configuration Management section, there is a drop down selection menu.  This will contain "Base Configuration" by default.  To add a new configuration, select Manage followed by Add.  You will be asked to provide a name for the configuration.  This should match a value you expect in the user record, for example "Management" in the examples used in Multi-configuration Process
    3. A configuration with the name entered will be created, you can now select this configuration from a drop down selection menu at the top of many pages.  The configuration will be identical to the current "Base configuration".  You can now change individual settings to suit your users needs.  For information on what can be changed, see Multi-configuration structure / features
  6. When your changes are complete, you need to save a CAD for users of the new configuration.  Until this is complete, users who activate and should receive a "Management" cad (see example in Multi-configuration Process) will see an error.  This is because you have enabled multi-config, the server has found a multi-configuration user (matched with multi.config.field.name) but cannot find a CAD within that configuration.  To save a CAD for the new configuration:
    1. Navigate to Cad Management menu item and select the Cad list tab
    2. Select your configuration from the drop down menu at the top of the screen
    3. Select the Create new cad button
    4. Enter the name you wish to give the individual CAD in the Version name field
    5. IMPORTANT:  Ensure you select your correct configuration in the Configuration name dropdown, this will default to Base Configuration, you need to manually select where you want the cad saved (which multi-configuration name)
    6. Set production cad / comments options and select save
    7. In the Cad list, you can only view cads saved in the current configuration.  To switch to another configuration, use the drop down selection box at the top of the screen, in the top menu bar.  Selecting different configurations automatically refreshes the screen and displays CADs saved within a particular configuration.


Required client steps

After enabling the multi-configuration feature, any already activated users will need to re-activate.  This is required to ensure the user record is read and that a matching configuration is sent (if defined).  This process only occurs during activation.  Selecting the push cad to device option / reloading a device will only show cads available in the configuration already assigned to the user.  Multi-configuration assignment is ONLY done when activating; therefore if a user changes roles from Management to Sales, they will need to have their User record updated in the data source, and then will need to re-activate their mobile device.





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