Multi-configuration Process

Multi-configuration Process

When a user activates, their credentials are passed to your data source and a user record is received.  We store the users details in the Swift MEAP™ server, and these can be used for distribution.  The example that follows uses a specific field, but any field from the user record may be selected (as long as it is already read / configured in the Swift MEAP server).


You have the field "Role" stored in your user record, you want to use the "Role" field to define which CAD users receive. 

User record fields

In some servers, the user record is mapped in the console and is available to view in the Map Settings screen (usually mapped to module id 333).  If you do not have a "user" module mapped in your configuration and therefore cannot check the fields available to you, these can be found in the HH_USERS table.  Access Utility->Show Db to view the database and select the HH_USERS table to view the fields stored.

Assuming that a user record has a "Role" field stored in your Data Source, and the field has a value already defined, it may contain three values:

  • Sales
  • Management
  • Other

"Role" can be defined for multi configuration, a sub-configuration named "Management" can be created where configuration changes can be made and a separate CAD saved.  When activating, Management users will then receive a unique CAD.

Example device activation flow

If the example above had been defined, the activation process is as follows:

  1. User enters their activation email address and data source login credentials
  2. The server reads the user record from the data source and checks the value stored in "Role":
    1. If the user record contains "Management", they receive the Management CAD
    2. If the user record contains any other value or the value is blank, they will receive the Base Configuration CAD
    A separate CAD needs to be saved for both Mangement and Base Configuration.  If a users activate and no CAD exists for their configuration, an error is displayed on the client

All servers contain a Base Configuration, there is no need to create a sub configuration for every value that "Role" can contain.  If you want a group of users to receive a different CAD, create a configuration with the value they would have in their user record.  In the example above, separate configurations could be created for Sales, Management and Other, each one can be customised.




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