Creating an Activity

Creating an Activity

An activity record can be created for any record in any module. 

Follow the steps below to create an Activity record

How to Create an Activity

1.  Select Activities from the Object Navbar,

2.  Click on New Activity Button from the Action bar.

A new Activity form is opened and some default fields are pre-populated.  The form is organized by section, activity information, address information, other information.

Another way to create a new activity record is to open any module, for example Leads, go to Related tab and click the New button on the Leads section. This will automatically associate the activity to that Lead.

3.  Enter Subject.  Required fields are denoted by (*) asterisk.

4.  Select Type and Status.

5.  Click on the date fields to select values for Start/End date from the calendar picker

6.  Select Start/End Time from the drop down

7.  Assigned to defaults to the current user, select a different name from the drop down box if needed.

8.  Enter Details of the activity.

9.  Click on Save on the action bar, to save.

The activity form closes and activity record is now displayed on the Activities List and under the Activities section of the associated account, contacts and associated record.

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