Adding New Users

Adding New Users

New users are automatically added to the Users page once activation has been completed on the client device. During the activation process, a user must enter an activation email address which is matched with the device PIN, and each email address may have 2 PINs associated to it.

Regarding Email Addresses:

  • The address should be unique and in the format username@domain.com.
  • The domain must match the one registered with iEnterprises or activation will fail.
The address entered does not have to be an genuine email address with your company, as it is only used for activation and the management of users.

It is recommended that you stick to a naming process to aid in the management of users. Users can use their company email addresses if the domain matches the one registered with iEnterprises. Alternatively, users may use firstname.lastname@domain.com

A device can only have one user account associated to it. Existing users must be removed from a device before a new user can activate. For more information on removing users, see Removing Users.

Manually Adding BlackBerry Users

You can choose to enter details for a BlackBerry user manually and send notification to the device, rather than relying on a user to enter activation details themselves.
To add a BlackBerry user manually, use the following procedure:

  1. Select Users in the Navigation Menu.
  2. Move the cursor over the Users button below the list of users and select New from the pop up menu.
  3. Enter the details for the new user and click on Submit to add.
  4. Push the CAD file and Data to the device. For more information, see CAD Management

For a list of fields used and an explanation of them, please see Editing and Updating User Details.

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