Domains Do Not Match

Domains do not match is a CRMOD specific error.  Check that a user is entering / or \ characters that match your environment


Users get message "Domains Do Not Match" when entering their login details during the device activation process.

When this occurs, the client has succesfully contacted the activation server, retrieved the Swift MEAPâ„¢ Server details, passed the user entered login details to the Swift MEAPâ„¢ Server and received a response.

This indicates that all routing and activation steps have been completed correctly.  When we passed the details that the user entered, they did not match the domain stored in the Swift MEAP™ Admin Console.  Typically, this is because the server is either incorrectly configured or the user entered the incorrect details on the device.

First step

As with all client activation issues, enable logging on the client, please see Enabling client logs

To check the domains:

  1. Open the Swift MEAPâ„¢ Admin console and login
  2. Navigate to Administrator->Global Settings
  3. Check the two values stored in:
    1. Domain/Company
    2. Login name
  4. Validate that these details match those that the user is entering


Comparing domains

On a client, the user is presented with a single field to login to the datasource.  This is usually in the format domain/username.  So if a user enters their login as: swiftlogin/dorian the domain is identified as 'swiftlogin/' - this should match the value entered in the Global Settings Domain/Company field. Be certain to match case.

When checking the server, do a 'Test connection' to ensure the server can communicate with your data source, if it cannot, the login could be incorrect in the server.  If you get a success, the error is likely to be that the user is entering incorrect information.


You can check the data that a user enters either by checking the client logs for the login details or by asking the user to capture a screenshot.

Domains do not match - follow up actions

Either correct the value in the server or get the user to enter the correct details.  If you have established it is correct in both, please send server and client logs, along with a description of the error to iEnterprises.