Users are not getting updates to their Device

Users are not getting updates to their Device


Users are waiting on records that have been updated in the data source but are not syncing down to the user’s device via the GetUpdates job.


You can use the following steps to help identify where the issue may be:

  • Confirm the GetUpdates Job is running or scheduled to run

Login to the Admin console and navigate to on the Administrator > Scheduler Settings and confirm that the GetUpdatesJob status is Enabled.

Check the state is “IN PROGRESS” and the Duration time. This will indicate the job is processing and the duration will display how long the job has been running for. The GetUpdates job can take several minutes or several hours to complete depending on the number of changes that need to be processed from the Data Source.

Note that the job state can be IN PROGRESS and status “Disabled”. This means the job was set to disabled while it was in progress and will not stop until the job completes. A DELAYED state means the next job is delayed as the current job is still in progress and has not completed.

Click on the GetUpdatesJob Time Config tab to display each GetUpdates module and last poll date and time for each module. Check the last date time for each module. Are there any modules that have a date time stamp that is not recent? It is possible that GetUpdates is running correctly for some modules and not for others. It is also possible that there have been no recent changes in CRM that need to be updated on the user’s device.

If the GetUpdatesJob is running or has been running for longer than expected, change the server logging level to debug mode and check the current log for any errors connecting to or authenticating with the Data Source. Search for the string “GetUpdatesJob”. To change the logging level of the server, please see this link - How to change the server logging level

Test Connection to the Data Source

From the Console, click on Administrator -> Global Settings

Click on Test connection to data source and confirm it is successful. If it fails, you will need to determine where the connection is failing using this document link: Check Server Connectivity

If the GetUpdatesJob is running correctly, check the Get Update Rules…..

  • Check the Get Updates Rules

From the admin console, Navigate to Rules view -> Get updates rules.

Here you need to determine if the user should receive updates based on the Module’s get updates rule. For example, if the rule is set to PassToOwners and the user who has not received the updates is not the owner of the records, then they will not receive the updates.

For more details on the getupdate rules, please see this link /wiki/spaces/SMSAGV/pages/214608

A getupdates rule does not need to exist for a module if the module is configured as a child of another Module in Module Settings -> Context Settings. For example, Revenue Line Items can be configured as a child of the Opportunities module. Any changes of a line item will still sync down to a device if the user has the Opportunity on the device.


If the the rules in place are correct or there are no rules specified, then continue with the next step...

  • Check the Delivery Out Queue to confirm the user is expecting record(s)

Navigate to Queues -> Delivery out. Search using the user’s pin number. Are there records listed for the user that have type “Update”? If yes, then the next step is to check the Pullme Data queue.

  • Confirm the PullMeData queue contains records waiting to be synced to the user’s device.

 Click on the Queues -> Pullme data view. Search for the user by pin number and confirm if there are records waiting to sync. Status = READY. If there are records waiting then users have not connected to the Swift Meap server or has trouble connecting to the Server. Ask the user to try connecting to the polling URL from a browser. The polling URL can be found in the Settings icon on the Swift MEAP™ App. Select Advanced Options -> App Info -> Polling URL.

 An “EmptyBisRespone” screen should be displayed on successful connection. if the user is able to connect and sync without error, ask the user to enable logging on the device. See iPad User Guide. Leave the app running for 30 minutes, then email the log to iEnterprises Support



Further action required before raising a support ticket

 If the issue cannot be resolved using the above steps then we will need the following items to help resolve the issue:

  • The log file from the Server in debug mode which covers the time frame the records were updated in the data source and the GetUpdatesJob last runtime (Both Console and Service logs in split port server).

  • The row id of the record(s) not syncing to the user’s device

  • Date / time in your data source that the record was modified
  • Details of the user(s), including PIN that should have received the record
  • Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.