Extract the files
Extract the files
To prepare for installation in a non-GUI environment, you will need to extract the files needed:
- Select the "Extract Sql Scripts and Create WAR for Manual Installation" button.
- Click on the Next button and select the location of the WAR file provided by iEnterprises.
- The WAR file extraction will start. Once the file has been extracted successfully, click on the Next button
You will now be asked where you want to extract the new files to. Click on the Browse button and choose a location.
Warning: The contents of the folder you choose will be completely overwritten before creation of WAR file. Please choose a new empty folder- The next screen asks for information you would otherwise provide in the wizard driven installer:
- Host Name: The host name of the server. As the installer is usually run on the same server as the destination, localhost can be used.
- Username: A MySQL username with sufficient privileges to perform the installation. Usually the root user.
- Password/Confirm Password: The MySQL password for the username entered.
- MySQL Port: This is the port used by MySQL (usually 3306)
- Schema Name: The MySQL schema name you'd like to use for your new server. For example, mobileserver.
- JNDIName: The connection pool JNDI name. This is usually named the same as the Schema name for simplification, but please consult an administrator for confirmation prior to selection.
- Log path: Where the log files are to be stored on the target server.
- Local Java bin folder: This is the name of the Java folder on the server you are running the installer from, not the target system. Click the Browse button to select the folder
- War file name: The filename you wish to give the new installation WAR file.
- Click on the Create War button.
- Once creation has completed, you will get a success message and you may click on the Exit button to close the installer.
, multiple selections available,
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