Manual installation on target server
Manual installation on target server
A full description of how to install in a non-GUI environment is beyond the scope of this document. However, the general outline is as follows.
- Create the SQL schema with appropriate permissions.
- Run the SQL scripts generated earlier. They are located in the directory created earlier, under the subdirectory /scripts.
- If you are deploying a new server, you need to run the following script files, in order:
- StaticQueries.sql
- AlterSMCrmOD.sql (This is the example for Oracles CRM on Demand)
- SMCrmODBase.sql
- If you are upgrading an existing server, you will need to view the files in Upgrade Patches and run each one from your current to your target version. Also check the subdirectory for your specific data source to see if there are upgrade scripts specific to you.
- Place the war file you repackaged (Repack the new war) in the previous section in tomcat's webapps directory, with appropriate ownership and permissions.
- Change directory permissions and restart tomcat. For more information, see Linux Preparation
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