Windows Preparation

Windows Preparation

As already mentioned, the user that is going to install iEnterprise Mobile™ needs to have administrator privileges.

Security settings

If using Windows 2008 R2, ensure that the User Control security settings are set to the minimum levels to prevent issues during installation


Once permissions have been checked and you have all of the software detailed in Software Requirements, you can prepare for the Windows installation:

  1. It is recommended that you create a log file directory for iEnterprise Mobile™.  You will be asked during installation where you want to save log files and can select the directory you create.
  2. Unzip the iEnterprise Mobile™ installer file you received from iEnterprises and edit the start_installer.bat file.  You will need to insert the location of your Java directory:
    1. REM SET PATH: This needs to point to the BIN directory of your java application
    2. REM SET CLASSPATH: This needs to point to your java application directory
  3. Start the iEnterprise Mobile™ installer by clicking the file start_installer.bat that you just edited.


Java path examples

Typically, the path / classpath entries are as follows, the example shown is for the 6u24 release of the JDK.  Please check the path in windows explorer:

rem set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin

rem set classpath=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24


If you get an error when starting the installer, please edit the start_installer.bat file and check the location of your java directory.  After saving, re-launch the installer by clicking on the start_installer.bat file.

This should open a graphical installer. Please go to the section entitled Installing a new server to continue installation.


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