Linux Preparation

Linux Preparation

The privileges required for iEnterprise Mobile™ to be installed vary depending on where tomcat is installed and what its permissions are.  This guide assumes that the tomcat installation is in a system directory and the root user, via sudo, is used for installation.

  1. From the Linux server's desktop, open a shell prompt in a terminal/console window.
  2. Move the java library tomcat-dbcp.jar provided by iEnterprises to <$TOMCAT_HOME>/lib
    1. Ensure this file is owned by the tomcat user.
  3. Create a log file directory for iEnterprise Mobile™.  Log files are stored in a single directory, it is recommended to create this before installation.  Please check that the directory is owned by the tomcat user.
  4. Unzip the iEnterprise Mobile™ installer.
  5. Start the iEnterprise Mobile™ installer by typing in the shell from the directory where the installer's zip file was unzipped:

    sudo java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar Installer.jar

    This should open a graphical installer. Please go to the section entitled Installing a new server to continue installation.

  6. Once installation is complete, you should update the directory permissions and restart Tomcat by typing the following in your Tomcat directory.  The following example assumes that tomcat is installed in the 'tomcat7' directory and the tomcat user and group are tomcat7.

    sudo chown -R tomcat7.tomcat7 /path/to/directory/tomcat7
    sudo service tomcat7 restart

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