Delivery In and In Summary
Delivery In and In Summary
Delivery In
Displays a list of updates or additions to the Data Source that are waiting to be processed or have not been made.
These are changes to records or new records that were made on a mobile device and are being uploaded.
Key columns in the Delivery In report are:
- User: The User name of the Creator/Recipient of the record.
- Module: The Module Number in the Data Source. This is Read Only.
- Record ID: Unique ID of the record from the Data Source.
- WsResponseErrorCode - The code returned by the Web Services on Error. This is used by Support to identify and resolve errors.
- CRID - Row ID of the Record.
- Type: Indicates whether it is a record update (Update) or a new record (New) that was transmitted.
- Status: Shows the current status of the delivery -
- Pending - Data is being gathered for delivery
- Ready - Data is gathered, and ready for the server to send the data (on polling)
- Completed - Delivery of data was successful
- Retry - Delivery was not successful, and the server is attempting again to deliver.
- Updated: Time/Date stamp the Status column's listed action
- Created: Time this Report line item was created.
- Edit Request: This icon allows the Admin to view and edit all records coming from the device that have a conflict or other error. The following tab options are available to the Admin:
- Summary Information: This provides an overview of the record from the device, as well as a description of the error.
- Edit Transaction: Allows the Admin to edit the data to remove the conflict.
- Advanced Edit: Expands the options for making changes to the record.
- Error Details: The XML of the record transactions
- More Details - Displays Device-Specific information including PIN, CAD Version, Language and Last Polling Time.
The Admin may use the buttons to Remove the conflict, Demote the conflict's ranking in sync status, or Request Data from the device again.
In Summary
Displays a summary of the information contained in the Delivery In report, grouped by each device (PIN).
- PIN: The device
- FAILED: Number of failed records.
- Pending: Number of records pending delivery.
- Unknown-Parent: Parent record can not be identified.
- RETRIED: Number of records in a re-attempt to deliver.
- EXECUTE: 'Execute' is a status of a Delivery In record that is being sent to the Data Source. If there are any records in that state, it is either a timing issue - because a request should only take a matter of a couple of seconds to process - or there is a problem and the record was not processed correctly. The latter reason means the record is stuck in Execute Status until the iEnterprise Mobile™ (Tomcat) server is restarted. If restarting the server is not an option at the time, you may also run a script to update the record and change it to a FAILED or RETRIED status at which time the queue job will process it again.
- Email: Email address of the user provided at time of registration.
, multiple selections available,
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