Reload Devices

Reload Devices

Note. This screen is only displayed if users exist in the Swift Meap Server.


In order for your new configuration to be used by the user device, we need to queue the configuration update on the server for the devices to download as well as reloading the data.

    • Do not reload any users: You will need to manually push the reload request to the device from the User list in administration console. Select this option if this is a first time configuration and you have no users activated yet.
    • Reload all users: All users will have a reload request queued for them, the next time they synchronize their devices a reload will occur.
    • Reload some users: Selected users will have a reload request queued up for them, the next time they synchronize their devices a reload will occur

At this point you can use the Navigate To button to check all previous screens and make and last minute changes before selecting Finish. 


For complete information on managing your Swift MEAP™ Administration Console use the Swift MEAP™ Server Administration Guide




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