Mapping Modules from Data Source

Mapping Modules from Data Source

Navigation Tab Modules Screen

After entering valid credentials, the Wizard will display a set of lists: Available Modules and Navigation Tab Modules. These are retrieved from the Data Source.

  • The modules defined in the Navigation Tab modules will be added as navigation modules in your configuration. You can change display order using drag/drop in the list.
    You can remove the module by tapping the Remove  icon.
  • Only objects in the 'Navigation Tab modules' column will be mapped.

Only objects in the 'Navigation Tab Modules' column will be mapped to the Swift MEAP™ console.  You may change the display order of the configured modules using drag/drop in the list.

What are Navigation Tab Modules?

Navigation Tab Modules are icons displayed down the left hand side of the application for tablet devices or along the bottom of the screen for phone devices.  Any of your data source modules can be mapped to a navigation tab module.

These icons are typically mapped to objects that are frequently accessed, allowing a quick method to select and display records.



  • You can edit the module settings by tapping the Edit   icon.

Your options are:

    • Allow Create: Determines if a user may create records from the device.
    • Allow Delete: Determines if a user may remove records from the module from the device
    • Allow Edit: Your setting here will allow users to edit records in the module. 

Once you have selected all the modules you want to include at this time, click the Next button at the bottom right of the page.


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