Regular Device vs Development Device

Regular Device vs Development Device

If you are making changes to a configuration that you do not necessarily want all users to receive when they activate, you can either create a new CAD and not mark it as the production CAD, or you can change a characteristic of your device to always get a "Live" CAD.

A Live CAD is one which when it is sent to the device, the configuration is as it is on the server at that moment, regardless of what is in the most current or production CAD. To make your device receive Live CADs, you must mark it as a Development Device.


To make your device a Development Device, do the following:

  1. In the administration application, go to the Users page.
  2. Click the check box to the left of your device
  3. On the top of the page choose Users -> Edit
  4. In the new window, check the box next to Development Device
  5. Click Update to save your change

The next time you send that device a CAD, you will not be prompted to choose a specific CAD. The live CAD will be sent automatically.  This will streamline your testing process in that you will no longer need to go through the process of making a new CAD each time you

want to see the effect or success of your new configurations on a specific device.  Once you are satisfied with the result, you can then created a CAD and mark that one as Production CAD, or a specific CAD based on end user need.