Hardware requirements
Hardware requirements
We recommend a minimum of 2 GB of free memory for your server. The resources used in terms of processing power are relatively low, but should be capable of supporting MySQL and Apache Tomcat given the volume of data/users you are planning. Sizing will vary from installation to installation, please contact iEnterprises to discuss your individual requirements.
A minimal installation only requires about 1 GB of disk space. The amount of data stored, number of data updates, number of users and the log file size (depending on logging level and time you keep logs) will dictate how large this needs to be. For a small installation, we recommend a minimum of 10 GB of disk space but this will vary from installation to installation. As disk space is relatively cheap, it is recommended that you over-estimate the amount of space required.
Disk I/O speed often dictates how your server operates. As with all database applications, many read/write operations are performed during normal use. If older, low speed drives are used this can significantly increase the amount of time it takes to complete operations. It is therefore recommended that you install the fastest drives you have available and consider raid arrays to increase performance if you are looking at large volumes of users / data / transactions.
Often, troubleshooting also requires access to the iEnterprise Mobile™ logs. By default, the logs are removed from the server after seven days to preserve space. If users do not notice / report problems for several days, logs may already have been removed from the server. It is therefore recommended that you also implement an archiving strategy so that logs are periodically archived for backup purposes. If issues are discovered, original files can then be retrieved from your archives for investigation.
As with all applications that require an internet connection, both external and internal influences affect how your system will perform. If the client has a slow internet connection (such as cellular) or is in a poor reception area, this will affect synchronisation / data loads / incremental synchronization. The client also requires communication between the iEnterprise Mobile™ server and your data source. If there is poor networking performance in any of these areas, overall system performance is affected.
Internal networking / forwarding / router filtering. Many customers use complex networking communication, sometimes using aliased / virtual IP addresses / IP filtering etc. As long as a single addresses from the client can route through your network to the iEnterprise Mobile™ server (and the server can communicate the other way), this is supported. However, the more complex the network, the more routing involved, the longer it takes for requests to be processed.
Data source access. We rely on communication to/from your data source. If your data source is performing badly or takes a considerable amount of time to respond, this will affect the iEnterprise Mobile™ performance.
The server can be configured to use HTTP or HTTPS, it can use a single port for all communication or the adminstration console can be configured on a different port to the client (mobile device) users. Splitting ports allows administrators more control, they can restrict who can access the administration console and it does not need to be on a public URL. Network administrators who are familiar with networking filtering / port forwarding / network configuration may be required to alter these settings.
The server / clients can also be configured so that they only use a VPN. In such cases, access is dependent on the client device supporting the VPN. Not all VPN's have client applications available, you will need to contact your VPN provider for client availability. Users will be required to login to a separate VPN application on the client devices, they will require access to the VPN before opening the iEnterprise Mobile™ application.
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