Software requirements
iEnterprise Mobile™ supports the following operating systems, administrator access is needed:
- Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2008(R2), 2012, 2012(R2)
- Linux with GUI interface. It is recommended if installing on Linux, that an operating system with a GUI is used.
- Linux (non-GUI). Although supported, installation is beyond this guide. To install on a server without a GUI, please review: Extract files for manual installation
iEnterprise Mobile™ Installation Files
- iEnterprise Mobile™ Installer. This is a zip file that includes a GUI to aid with installation.
- iEnterprise Mobile™ Server war file. The server source code which will be deployed by the installer. Each war file is based on a specific server release version and the data source you are connecting to.
- Java Class Library for Linux installs. If installing for the first time in a Linux environment, an additional class library may be required.
The above files are provided by iEnterprises. If you do not have these files, please contact your iEnterprises Account Manager.
Additional Software
iEnterprise Mobile™ requires the following applications to be installed on the server in order to function:
- Apache Tomcat - supported versions are 6,7 and 8. This can be downloaded from
- Java SE Development Kit (JDK). This can be downloaded from
- MySQL - supported versions are 5.5 and 5.6
In place upgrades of Tomcat are not supported, due to the file/folder structure changes. If you want to migrate Tomcat, it will require a new installation of iEnterprise Mobile™. Your configuration can be imported to the new iEnterprise Mobile™ server.
MySQL can be upgraded in place, but you will need to re-run the iEnterprise Mobile™ installer to ensure the correct Java library files are installed.
Java Virtual Machine Memory Settings
Before beginning the installation, you should confirm tomcat's JVM memory allocation. You may need to add entries to the, file in Linux, or the Java options tab in the tomcat monitor properties in Windows. We suggest as a minimum allocation:
-Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1024m -Xms2048m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:NewSize=64m
Please see the tomcat documentation for further instructions on setting these parameters.
Optional software
The following optional software may also be installed, depending on your requirement.
- SSL Certificate. If you wish to use HTTPS, you will require a CA or Self signed SSL certificate.
- MySQL Workbench (Windows only). Occassionally administrators may want to access the MySQL database directly, it is recommended that the optional MySQL Workbench product is also installed for this purpose.
Inserting SSL Certificates
Details on inserting your certificate in to the Java keystore are not detailed in this document, but are widely found on the internet. For details on changing the context.xml file to use HTTPS please see SSL installation.
Next step
If you are installing on Windows, jump to Windows Preparation
If you are installing on Linux, jump to Linux Preparation
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