Setting Up Conditional Icons

Setting Up Conditional Icons

To set up new conditional icons used for modules within the iEnterprise Mobile™ client:

  1. Select Map Settings in the Navigation Menu on the left of the page.
  2. Click on Module Settings.
  3. Click on the icon marked Icon Configuration next to the module you wish to create a conditional icon for. A list of existing icons will appear.
  4. Click 'Add Conditional Icons'.
  5. Choose the field you wish to use for the argument using the Field Name drop down selection box.
  6. Select the operation argument from the Rule Operation drop down selection box. Choose from either:
    1. Equals: Display this icon when record's field matches the value entered in the Value field.
    2. Not Equal: Display this icon when record's field does not match the value entered in the Value field.
    3. Less than: Display this icon when record's field contains a value less than the value entered in the Value field
    4. Greater than: Display this icon when record's field contains a value greater than the value entered in the Value field.
  7. If the field you have chosen is a Keyword field, a list of possible values will be available as a drop down selection box in the Value column. If the field contains a numeric or text value, you will need to type a value in the Value column.
  8. Click on the Add button to add the argument. The query defined will be converted to sql code, the syntax of the argument will be displayed in the Rule box.
  9. Click Choose File. Select the icon file you wish to upload.
  10. Click Save to make the changes.

Further rules can be defined and the syntax in the Rule box will be updated to include the additional rules. By default, additional rules are added with the AND argument, this can changed to an OR argument by correcting in the Rule box.

Icons are cached. After making changes, you must refresh the screen to see the changes that were made.


An example of a use for conditional icons might be when the Leads module contains a field labeled "Rating", which contains a keyword to identify whether a lead is Hot, Warm or Cold. Three separate rules can be created to define when different icons should be displayed. The three rules would state:

  • If Rating = Hot, display a red list icon
  • If Rating = Warm, display a yellow list icon
  • If Rating = Cold, display a blue list icon

This allows users to quickly identify whether leads are hot, warm or cold without needing to open the record on a device to view the Rating field.
On the device, the conditional list icons are displayed to the left of each record in the List View.

Separate icons are not provided by iEnterprises.