Complex Conditional Icon Rules

Complex Conditional Icon Rules

Complex rules can be created by combining arguments. For example, if the Account Module contains fields for Account Type and Number of Employees, the two separate fields can be combined within the same argument to create a more complex conditional rule that says:

  • If Account Type = Customer AND Employees > 499, display icon A

A second rule could then be created to define customers with less than 500 employees:

  • If Account Type = Customer AND Employees < 500, display icon B

In this case, default icons would be displayed for all Account records, unless the Account Type field in the record identified it as a Customer. Whether icon A or B is used would then depend on the value in the employees field.
The above example assumes that the conditional rule is built using the AND parameter. The OR parameter can also be used when creating complex rules. This allows administrators to group together similar records, for example displaying a specific icon if Account Type = Customer OR Account Type = Prospect.