Configuring Icons and Conditional Icons

Configuring Icons and Conditional Icons

The icons used in the iEnterprise Mobile™ client can be customized to suit your requirements using the Module Settings menu. You can import icons or create your own for use throughout the application, provided they meet the following specifications:

  • In order for them to look exactly as you import, icon size should 16 x 16 pixels for list icons and 90 x 95 pixels for form icons. Some resizing will take place if icons do not fit these dimensions exactly.
  • Icons must be in one of the following formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif.

The following example will be used to describe where icons are used in the application:



Tab Selected Icon

Icon used if a Top Level Object listed in the far left Navigation Bar has been selected.

Tab Unselected Icon

Icon used if a Top Level Object listed in the far left Navigation Bar is not selected.

List Icon

Icon displayed in lists adjacent to a record.

Conditional List Icon

Situated in the same place as list icons described above, but with conditional arguments defining which icon is used.
For more information, see Setting Up Conditional Icons

Form Icon

Icon displayed in forms. The icons in forms are enlarged in size.

Conditional Form Icon

Situated in the same place as form icons described above, but with conditional arguments.
For more information, see Setting Up Conditional Icons

If using conditional icons and none of the arguments are met, the default list or form icon is used.