Data Source Module Name

Data Source Module Name

This is the name of the object mapped from the Data Source. The name of the module can be changed. If it is, the new name is displayed in the client application and in the Navigation Menu on the left of the Admin application.

Click on Map Settings -> Module Settings to see the Module List Page:

  • ID: Module ID Number in the Data Source, used in Web Services
  • Server Module Name: Module Name in the iEnterprise Mobile™ server.
  • Data Source Module Name: Module name used in the Data Source.
  • Alias Name: To change the name of a module, alter the Menu Alias within Menu Settings. For further information, see Menu Settings.
  • Top Level: This is where you tell the iEnterprise Mobile™ Application whether or not the mapped module will be a top level module.
  • Read Only: Shows if the module has been set as 'Read Only' for the iEnterprise Mobile™ client.
  • Allow Edit: Shows if the users are allowed to edit records in this module on the device.
  • Skip?: Shows if the module will not be included in the CAD delivery.
  • Group: Shows if the module is part of a group.
  • More Details Icon: This icon is used to displays the all of the options currently set for a module. For a description of the options available, see please see Configurable Module Options
  • Edit Icon: This icon is used to edit all of the options discussed in Configurable Module Options
  • Remove Icon: This icon is used to remove the currently mapped module from the iEnterprise Mobile™ application. For more information on removing currently mapped modules, see Deleting a Module.
  • JavaScript Icon: This icon is used to add JavaScript code to the module and is currently supported for iOS and Android tablets only. If the JavaScript icon is not displayed in your Admin console, it may have been disabled using the system keys setting. The system key used to enable or disable the JavaScript configuration option is: is.visible.js.functionality. For more information on modifying system keys, see Configuring System Keys.
  • Icon Configuration: This icon is used to select the icons and conditional icons used. The icons used within the iEnterprise Mobile™ client application are fully configurable and the icons displayed can differ depending on conditional arguments. For example, if a field exists to describe an account relationship, Accounts that are defined as either customers, suppliers, partners or competitors could have different icons (or icons of different colors) next to their name to easily differentiate between them. For more information on setting up icons, see Configuring Icons and Conditional Icons.
  • Quick Actions: Used to set up Quick Actions for the Module.  A quick action can be used to open an external application, or perform a routine task. For more information see Quick Actions.