Add Sender to Leads

Add Sender to Leads

This feature is only available for In-Bound messages, and will not appear in other forms in the Notes Client.

To Add a Sender to the Leads Module:

Using this link, you can save the sender of the email as a Lead record in the Data Source. You will be able input additional details like Phone Numbers, Address etc. in the Details Window.

Never forget to add a Lead to your CRM.

Click the 'Add Sender to leads' link

This will open a dialog window which will allow you to enter details of the Lead.

Click Create to add the sender as a Lead in the Data Source.

A Lead does not need to be associated to an Account.  If there is a possible duplication of this Lead in the Data Source, you will see a notification, and have the option to Create Anyway.


For demo purpose only.  Expect appropriate CRM logo will display as per installed version.

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