Quick Start Guide to Test LNC
Evangeline Cruz
Here are instructions on how to install the Lotus Notes Connector on a test mail database.
Download the Client Installer
If you have not downloaded the installer yet, click on the .zip file for your CRM :
Salesforce.com, Microsoft CRM or Oracle CRM on Demand - iEnterprise_ConnectorInstaller_June_15_2017.zip
Oracle Sales Cloud - Notes-Connector-Installer-for-Oracle-Sales-Cloud-2016-08-20.zip
Look for the .zip file on your default download folder.
Unzip the file and this should give you 'ConnectorInstaller.nsf'
For more details: Lotus Notes Client Installer
Install the Lotus Notes Connector into the Test Mail Database
It is always recommended to install the Lotus Notes Connector to a mail database from a standard mail template, however, you can opt to run it against your mail file or a copy of your mailfile,
- Open 'ConnectorInstaller.nsf'. Click 'Next' on the opening page.
- Click on "I Agree" to the License Agreement and click OK.
- Select your CRM on the dialog box and click OK.
- In the Configuration window, select the box "Install Mail Database Integration".
- On the dialog, type your "CRM URL".
- Click the "Select Mail database" button to select the Mail File file you want to update for example CRMMailTest.nsf.
- Checkbox "Install Scheduled Sync Agents" is selected by default. This automatically runs the sync agents as part of the install. If you would rather run this manually, deselect the box.
- Optional: Click the option to Install Personal Address Book Integration if desired. This feature will allow you to access your PAB through the LNC interface, as well as access your CRM contacts from your PAB.
- Once all fields are entered, click the "Install button". You will be prompted to confirm Installation, select "Yes" to continue.
For more details: How to Install the LNC Plugin
Activate the Connector
After installing Lotus Notes Connector to mail database, users must successfully activate before they can use the interface.
- Open mail database and click New Message.
- Click the Activate Lotus Notes Connector button. The Connector settings screen will display where you can enter the information required to connect to your CRM, typically the URL, Login username and Password.
- If all information was entered correctly, activation success message displays, click OK.
- Close the mail database and reopen. User is ready to start using the connector.
For more details: Activation Settings
For more details on how to use the Connector Features