Configuring System Keys
Configuring System Keys
System Keys were configured in the process of installing iEnterprise Mobile™. System Keys do not normally need to be changed unless problems occur, and it is recommended that default application settings are left in place.
However in some cases a system key may need to be manually added or modified, depending on support needs.
To configure system keys for the iEnterprise Mobile™ server:
- Start the Admin application.
- Click Administrator, then System Keys on the Navigation Menu.
- Click on the Edit Icon on the right side to make changes to a system key.
- Click Update to save changes.
- Use the navigation bar at the top to see additional system keys.
List of current System Keys. Please note that due to Data Source requirements / limitations, not all system keys will be present in your particular server.
allow.edit.promo.signed | NO | Allow promotional items to be still be edited when the call is already signed |
allow.edit.samples.promo.unsigned | NO | Allow promotional items and samples to be still be edited when the call is unsigned, or when the call date has passed |
allow.ios.touchid | YES | Allow iOS devices to use TouchId to authenticate if the device supports it |
allow.initload.from.device | NO | Allows the Initload to launch on first activation of a device |
allow.user.to.edit.failed.records | YES | Allow the user to be able to view failed records on the device, that are queued in the Delivery In queue on the server, and edit the request, and resubmit |
batch.device.request.queue | NO | Enable the client to batch the requests to be sent and processed by the server, improving the client sync efficiency |
bccAddress | (Custom) | This is the default BCC address. The Admin should set this value |
ccAddress | (Custom) | This is the default CC address. The Admin should set this value |
cleanup.records.expired.days | 0 | cleanup records expired days |
clearAndLoad.Snooze.interval | 720 | Clear and load snooze interval |
conflict.data.retention.period.days | 365 | Number of days that records in the Conflict Table are retained for. After the number of days specified, cleanup will be performed to remove old records from the server |
conflict.duplicate.error.codes | SBL-EAI-04381 | Used to store CRMOD error codes that identify duplicate errors. When encountering one of the error codes entered during record processing, the record is automatically assigned as a duplicate record error and assigned as a conflict. Records with such status will be automatically processed depending on Client Wins/Server Wins settings |
conflict.inaccessible.error.codes | SBL-EAI-04378,SBL-EAI-04403 | Automatically demote inaccessible records to conflicts when the error codes defined here are returned by CRMOD |
connector.type.value | CRMOD ME | Type of Connector |
crm.request.timeout.minutes | 10 | CRM request timeout in minutes |
crm.wsdl.version | R25 | CRMOD Version |
custom.request.character.encoding | UTF-8 | Encoding type used in requests |
custom.xml.encoding | UTF-8 | custom xml encoding |
default.me.language | ENU | Default user language, if not defined in the CRM |
detailer.summary.feedback | STARS | (iSales Only) Used to control the feedback required on the detailer summary. Possible values are Stars, Keywords, Stars and Keywords. |
device.help.url | https://swiftmeap.atlassian.net/wiki/x/J4AH | URL to the help file that is downloaded to the device in the CAD |
device.message.type | ME | Device messages type, to control the messages downloaded to the device |
device.request.timeout.minutes | 4 | device request timeout in minutes |
device.search.use.contains | YES | Enable the client to search strings that contain the search criteria, rather than starts with that criteria |
download.list.withparent | NO | When using a related load, and a record has a parent, should the server download the children of the parent |
download.single.reference | N | To set the download preference |
download.solution.with.message.plan.item | NO | Download the solution record when downloading the message plan item and message plan item relations |
emailnotification.prior.to.days | 6 | To send Email when License expires prior to x days of Expiry. '6' is the default value, but the Admin should set the actual lead time for the alert. |
enable.html.components | YES | Enable HTML Components for use on a device |
enable.team.new.method | NO | When adding a user to an account team or contact team, do not download other top level records |
expire.remember.me | 0 | Period in which the remember me on the device is valid. Once expired, the user will be prompted to login again |
filter.spm.blocked.product | NO | Enable Blocked Product filters in structured Product Messaging |
filter.spm.hcp | NO | Enable HCP filters in structured Product Messaging |
force.load.to.complete | NO | Force a load to complete, before being able to stop the load or clear a device |
fromAddress | (Custom) | The default 'From' email address. The Admin should set this value |
fromAddress.password | Password used for the from address user for the SMTP settings | |
fromName | (Custom) | The default 'From' name. The Admin needs to set this value |
http.retry.value | 1 | IF the SERVER receives a 400 response TO an HTTP request sent TO the DATA source, we will retry the same request FOR the defined number of times BEFORE failing the request |
invalid.auth.errorcode | SBL-ODU-01006 | User authentication error code, returned by the CRM |
is.cleanup.crmdata.during.users | YES | Remove user specific CRM data when removing or cleaning a user device. If set to No, the scheduled cleanup job will remove the data |
is.disable.download.temp.tables | NO | Disabling temporary download tables on the device should only be done when requested by a support rep |
is.domain.check.from.login.id | YES | The domain check between global settings login id and device user login id |
is.hide.alert.screen | NO | Hide the Sync log on the device |
is.hide.show.password | 0 | To hide the "show password" option |
is.include.adminsettings.gen.scripts | YES | Include the Global settings values in the generate script function |
is.include.keywords.in.script | NO | Includes keywords in scripts |
is.server.on.closed.network | NO | Is the server on a closed network |
s.show.code.signature | YES | To display the code column in the Signature screen, this must be set to Yes |
is.skip.parent.getupdatesload | NO | Retrieve the parent records during the getupdates job, if a new child record is retrieved |
is.to.get.attachments.during.download | YES | Where supported, download the attachment when downloading the record that has an attachment. If set to No, the user can manually request the attachment when they need it |
is.to.show.ws.message.me.log | YES | Show the web service request in the log files |
is.to.validate.js | YES | Validate Javascript on saving scripts |
is.visible.js.functionality | YES | Enable the Javascript functionality |
is.visible.quickselector | YES | Enable the Quick Selector functionality |
keep.parent.reference.value.inchild | NO | This key decides whether to keep the parent reference field value in child record while parent is deleted from CRM |
load.pagesize | 100 | Page size used for data requests |
log.retentionperiod.days | 5 | Save the last N days of log files |
login.to.crm.time.interval.minutes | 30 | login.to.crm.time.intervel.minutes |
max.crmquery.initload | 25 | Maximum number of devices per CRMQuery |
max.limitof.lkpresp | 20 | Maximum number of look up response to client |
maximum.simultaneous.getupdates.threads | 10 | This is the maximum number of simultaneous get updates threads |
ME.admin.console.TimeZone | Europe/London | ME admin console TimeZone. The Admin should set this based on location |
me.app.title | iEnterprise Mobile | Label that is displayed in the browser tab |
mod.tracking.distribution.type | Team | Modification distribution method |
notmap.hidden.modules.fields | NO | Whether or not to map the hidden modules/fields |
number.of.custom.tables | 60 | Maximum number of custom tables to be able to map. N.B. Changing this value requires scripts to be run on the database to increase the number of tables available |
number.of.records.each.polling.thread | 200 | Number of records in each polling thread |
ordm.client.identification.text | (Custom) | Server identifier used for web service requests sent to CRM on Demand. Admin needs to insert this value |
pagesin.pagenavigation.bar | 7 | Number of page numbers displayed in page navigation bar |
pagination.range | 20 | Number of display records per page |
perform.initload.process | InitLoad | Perform Initload process as a part of registration |
prompt.password.signature | YES | Prompt for password after signature, on the signature capture function |
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.long | 1448 | Expire time of records in the long run queue |
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.medium | 336 | Expire time of records in the medium run queue |
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.short | 24 | Expire time of records in the short run queue |
record.history.retention.period.days | 365 | The number of days that Record History will be kept |
record.retentionperiod.days | 5 | Database cleanup - removal completed records |
remember.client.login | Enable | Allow the user to enable the "remember me" feature on the client |
report.reset.day | Sunday | Report reset day in device |
send.mail.on.error | YES | Send notification email in the event of a server error |
set.account.on.calls | Account and Contact | Control the defaulting of Account/Contact when creating calls |
show.context.list.for.one.record | YES | Display the list of records when opening a contact list, even if there is only 1 record. If set to No, and there is only 1 record, the client will open that record, rather than the list |
smtp.server.port | 433 | Defines the port used for SMTP email server |
smtpHost | (Custom) | Email Settings used in EMail Notifications |
smtpType | SSL | SMTP server type used to send email notifications |
sync.log.view.override | YES | Client sync log displays Failed records by default whenever selected. Override this setting by displaying last selected value always. |
use.calllist.function | YES | Use the call list functionality |
use.tasklist.function | YES | Display tasks in calendar style view |
user.retentionperiod.days | 5 | Number of days of inactivity before a user is marked as inactive |