Configuring System Keys

Configuring System Keys

System Keys were configured in the process of installing iEnterprise Mobile™. System Keys do not normally need to be changed unless problems occur, and it is recommended that default application settings are left in place.

However in some cases a system key may need to be manually added or modified, depending on support needs.

To configure system keys for the iEnterprise Mobile™ server:

  1. Start the Admin application.
  2. Click Administrator, then System Keys on the Navigation Menu.
  3. Click on the Edit Icon on the right side to make changes to a system key.
  4. Click Update to save changes.
  5. Use the navigation bar at the top to see additional system keys.

List of current System Keys.  Please note that due to Data Source requirements / limitations, not all system keys will be present in your particular server.

allow.edit.promo.signedNOAllow promotional items to be still be edited when the call is already signed
allow.edit.samples.promo.unsignedNOAllow promotional items and samples to be still be edited when the call is unsigned, or when the call date has passed
allow.ios.touchidYESAllow iOS devices to use TouchId to authenticate if the device supports it
allow.initload.from.deviceNOAllows the Initload to launch on first activation of a device
allow.user.to.edit.failed.recordsYESAllow the user to be able to view failed records on the device, that are queued in the Delivery In queue on the server, and edit the request, and resubmit
batch.device.request.queueNOEnable the client to batch the requests to be sent and processed by the server, improving the client sync efficiency
bccAddress(Custom)This is the default BCC address. The Admin should set this value
ccAddress(Custom)This is the default CC address. The Admin should set this value
cleanup.records.expired.days0cleanup records expired days
clearAndLoad.Snooze.interval720Clear and load snooze interval
conflict.data.retention.period.days365Number of days that records in the Conflict Table are retained for. After the number of days specified, cleanup will be performed to remove old records from the server
conflict.duplicate.error.codesSBL-EAI-04381Used to store CRMOD error codes that identify duplicate errors. When encountering one of the error codes entered during record processing, the record is automatically assigned as a duplicate record error and assigned as a conflict. Records with such status will be automatically processed depending on Client Wins/Server Wins settings
conflict.inaccessible.error.codesSBL-EAI-04378,SBL-EAI-04403Automatically demote inaccessible records to conflicts when the error codes defined here are returned by CRMOD
connector.type.valueCRMOD METype of Connector
crm.request.timeout.minutes10CRM request timeout in minutes
crm.wsdl.versionR25CRMOD Version
custom.request.character.encodingUTF-8Encoding type used in requests
custom.xml.encodingUTF-8custom xml encoding
default.me.languageENUDefault user language, if not defined in the CRM
detailer.summary.feedbackSTARS(iSales Only) Used to control the feedback required on the detailer summary. Possible values are Stars, Keywords, Stars and Keywords.

URL to the help file that is downloaded to the device in the CAD
device.message.typeMEDevice messages type, to control the messages downloaded to the device
device.request.timeout.minutes4device request timeout in minutes
device.search.use.containsYESEnable the client to search strings that contain the search criteria, rather than starts with that criteria
download.list.withparentNOWhen using a related load, and a record has a parent, should the server download the children of the parent
download.single.referenceNTo set the download preference
download.solution.with.message.plan.itemNODownload the solution record when downloading the message plan item and message plan item relations
emailnotification.prior.to.days6To send Email when License expires prior to x days of Expiry. '6' is the default value, but the Admin should set the actual lead time for the alert.
enable.html.componentsYESEnable HTML Components for use on a device
enable.team.new.methodNOWhen adding a user to an account team or contact team, do not download other top level records
expire.remember.me0Period in which the remember me on the device is valid. Once expired, the user will be prompted to login again
filter.spm.blocked.productNOEnable Blocked Product filters in structured Product Messaging
filter.spm.hcpNOEnable HCP filters in structured Product Messaging
force.load.to.completeNOForce a load to complete, before being able to stop the load or clear a device
fromAddress(Custom)The default 'From' email address. The Admin should set this value
fromAddress.password Password used for the from address user for the SMTP settings
fromName(Custom)The default 'From' name. The Admin needs to set this value
http.retry.value1IF the SERVER receives a 400 response TO an HTTP request sent TO the DATA source, we will retry the same request FOR the defined number of times BEFORE failing the request
invalid.auth.errorcodeSBL-ODU-01006User authentication error code, returned by the CRM
is.cleanup.crmdata.during.usersYESRemove user specific CRM data when removing or cleaning a user device. If set to No, the scheduled cleanup job will remove the data
is.disable.download.temp.tablesNODisabling temporary download tables on the device should only be done when requested by a support rep
is.domain.check.from.login.idYESThe domain check between global settings login id and device user login id
is.hide.alert.screenNOHide the Sync log on the device
is.hide.show.password0To hide the "show password" option
is.include.adminsettings.gen.scriptsYESInclude the Global settings values in the generate script function
is.include.keywords.in.scriptNOIncludes keywords in scripts

Is the server on a closed network

s.show.code.signatureYESTo display the code column in the Signature screen, this must be set to Yes
is.skip.parent.getupdatesloadNORetrieve the parent records during the getupdates job, if a new child record is retrieved
is.to.get.attachments.during.downloadYESWhere supported, download the attachment when downloading the record that has an attachment. If set to No, the user can manually request the attachment when they need it
is.to.show.ws.message.me.logYESShow the web service request in the log files
is.to.validate.jsYESValidate Javascript on saving scripts
is.visible.js.functionalityYESEnable the Javascript functionality
is.visible.quickselectorYESEnable the Quick Selector functionality
keep.parent.reference.value.inchildNOThis key decides whether to keep the parent reference field value in child record while parent is deleted from CRM
load.pagesize100Page size used for data requests
log.retentionperiod.days5Save the last N days of log files
max.crmquery.initload25Maximum number of devices per CRMQuery
max.limitof.lkpresp20Maximum number of look up response to client
maximum.simultaneous.getupdates.threads10This is the maximum number of simultaneous get updates threads
ME.admin.console.TimeZoneEurope/LondonME admin console TimeZone. The Admin should set this based on location
me.app.titleiEnterprise MobileLabel that is displayed in the browser tab
mod.tracking.distribution.typeTeamModification distribution method
notmap.hidden.modules.fieldsNOWhether or not to map the hidden modules/fields
number.of.custom.tables60Maximum number of custom tables to be able to map. N.B. Changing this value requires scripts to be run on the database to increase the number of tables available
number.of.records.each.polling.thread200Number of records in each polling thread
ordm.client.identification.text(Custom)Server identifier used for web service requests sent to CRM on Demand. Admin needs to insert this value
pagesin.pagenavigation.bar7Number of page numbers displayed in page navigation bar
pagination.range20Number of display records per page
perform.initload.processInitLoadPerform Initload process as a part of registration
prompt.password.signatureYESPrompt for password after signature, on the signature capture function
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.long1448Expire time of records in the long run queue
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.medium336Expire time of records in the medium run queue
queue.recordexpiretime.hours.short24Expire time of records in the short run queue
record.history.retention.period.days365The number of days that Record History will be kept
record.retentionperiod.days5Database cleanup - removal completed records
remember.client.loginEnableAllow the user to enable the "remember me" feature on the client
report.reset.daySundayReport reset day in device
send.mail.on.errorYESSend notification email in the event of a server error
set.account.on.callsAccount and ContactControl the defaulting of Account/Contact when creating calls
show.context.list.for.one.recordYESDisplay the list of records when opening a contact list, even if there is only 1 record. If set to No, and there is only 1 record, the client will open that record, rather than the list
smtp.server.port433Defines the port used for SMTP email server
smtpHost(Custom)Email Settings used in EMail Notifications
smtpTypeSSLSMTP server type used to send email notifications
sync.log.view.overrideYESClient sync log displays Failed records by default whenever selected. Override this setting by displaying last selected value always.
use.calllist.functionYESUse the call list functionality
use.tasklist.functionYESDisplay tasks in calendar style view
user.retentionperiod.days5Number of days of inactivity before a user is marked as inactive