Field Types

Field Types

The Types column indicates how the field format has been defined within the iEnterprise Mobile™ application. Field types used are listed in the following table:




This is a text or numeric field. Used for mapping text fields.


Field containing more than one line. Allows a user to enter data in a form with carriage returns at the end of the line. Used for description fields or for entering free text, such as notes associated with an account.


This is a keyword field. Keywords are the same as lists of values (LOV) or picklists. Indicates that a user chooses a value from a list to enter data in this field. For more information, see Keyword Mapping And Modification


Similar to the keyword field. Multi-keyword fields present a user with a LOV or picklist, but they can select more than one value. For example, it could be used for a "products installed" field where a user can select which of your products have been installed at a customer. The user could be presented with a list to check mark each one. For more information on creating and editing keywords, see Keyword Mapping And Modification


This can be used to define a checkbox in the data entry form, if a user places a checkmark in the checkbox, a TRUE value is sent to the crm. If no checkmark is selected, a FALSE value is sent to the crm. This field type can only be used if the crm server is expecting a true or false value.


If used in conjunction with one of the FILTER_NUMERIC attributes, the user is prevented from entering non-numeric data in this field. If an invalid character is entered, the character and any data after that character is automatically removed. For example, if a user entered 1234x567 into a numeric field with a numeric filter attribute assigned, everything after and including the x is removed. The value 1234 would be stored in the field.
For more information, see Field Attributes


Indicates this is a field using the date format. Used for mapping date fields. The user is presented with a selection wheel to enter the date.


Field has to be entered in a time format. User will be asked to select a time using a time picker, rather than typing in a value.


Indicates that this field contains a date and time. User is presented with a selection picker to set the date and time.


Indicates a reference. References are used within iEnterprise Mobile to link to a parent object, creating related items.
For more information, see Reference Fields


Microsoft Dynamics CRM Only. In the client application, it enables the same type of record to be created from within a number of different modules.
For example, if you have a Letter record, you can associate it with contacts, accounts, opportunities and leads using the Reference-Implicit field. This will allow the user to create a Letter when viewing either contacts, accounts or opportunities. If the user created a Letter while viewing an Account, that Account becomes the parent.
For more information on creating a reference-implicit field, see Reference-Implicit Fields (MSCRM Only)


Used to link a field to more than one object. For instance, when used in the context of an email form, while the TO: field may be set up as Reference, indicating primary contact ownership, there may also be a Multi-Association field for CC:. This would allow the entry of all email addresses that the email was sent to.
For more information, see Multi-Association Fields


Indicates this field contains a link to an attachment file name. Attachments can be launched from within iEnterprise Mobile client, provided they are supported by the native device interface. For example, picture files may be viewable on an iPad, but Word documents are not.


If a field is specified as an owner field, whenever a new record is created the value stored in the Field Value in the user screen is inserted into the field. This can be used to automatically set who owns or created the new record to the current user.


This field is hidden in the user application. It is used for certain CRM installations (i.e. Siebel), that require an ID to be associated with a record for updates to be processed by the CRM. This field is used as a placeholder to store the ID.


This field is hidden in the user application. It is also used for certain CRM installations.

BARCODEAllows scanned Barcode to be stored and identified for system use. Will appear as a default image.