Changing Device Messages in Admin Console

Changing Device Messages in Admin Console

System messages can be managed directly within the Admin Console.

To alter device messages:

  1. Click Administrator, then Device Messages on the Navigation Menu.
  2. The Device Message Information screen is displayed, along with the currently selected Language.
  3. Messages are sorted alphabetically by Key. Use the navigation bar at the top of the page to see additional Device Messages.
  4. You can also use the search function to find a specific message, see Using the Search and Sort Function.
  5. To edit an existing message, click on the edit icon.
  6. Enter your changes to the selected message and click on Update button to save your changes.


There is a remove icon displayed to the right of each system message. Removing a message will delete both the message key and value from the device messages section. If a message has been removed, the user will receive the message key name if the error occurs.