Editing Device Messages In Excel

Editing Device Messages In Excel

The spreadsheet can be opened in Excel and edited, then later imported to iEnterprise Mobile™.

The columns displayed in the spreadsheet are as follows:

  • Key: This is the message key which is used in the iEnterprise Mobile™ code to define when messages are displayed. Do not alter the Key column.
  • Type: This defines whether the message key is a common core message (CMON) used in all iEnterprise Mobile™ installations or a key used in a customized iEnterprise Mobile™ installation (ME).
  • Value: The actual message displayed on a iEnterprise Mobile when the message key is called. This message can be changed as required.
  • Language Key: Although not displayed above, the language code is displayed in column D.

Once the message values have been updated or translated, the spreadsheet should be saved in Microsoft Excel 97-2004 (.xls) format.