Phone specific menu options

Phone specific menu options

The various functions available when tapping the More button (three vertical dots) will depend on whether you are viewing a list of records or record details.

Phone options when viewing a list


 Phone options when viewing record details

Lists are typically displayed whenever a user selects a module or a related item and a list of records is displayed.  In the example on the left, the list of Activities is displayed when the user  selected the Activity icon. Records in the Sync Log also include a clear option to clear recent history. Here the icons displayed are:

  1. New: Create a new record

  2. Look up: Perform a look up

  3. Sort: Change the sort order

  4. Sync: Sync now

  5. Settings: Enter the options menu

Icons can vary slightly depending on your configuration and access rights.


Record details are displayed when tapping on a record that is displayed in a list. Here a user has selected one of the Activities displayed in the list above list. Tapping on the More button displays:

  1. Edit: Edit the current record

  2. Remove: Remove/delete the current record

When menus are displayed, tapping on the Android Back Button will close a menu. Tapping Back again will navigate back to the list of records.

Icons can vary slightly depending on your configuration and access rights.



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