Choosing Search Criteria
Choosing Search Criteria
The fields displayed in the Search Panel match the columns available in the menu currently in view. Adjacent to the column names are fields, allowing you to select which values to search for. There are two types of fields shown:
- Text Entry Fields: These fields are displayed as a blank white box. Enter search text into these fields:
- Drop Down Selection Fields: These fields contain iEnterprise Mobile system messages. You can filter results based on their status. Click on the drop down selection box to display a list of possible values
To perform a search:
- Select an Operation type using the drop down selection box. Possible values are:
- Equals: Displays results that exactly match the text string entered.
- Like: Displays all results that contain the text string entered. This should be used for partial search terms. Wildcard characters such as * or ? are not required.
- Greater Than: Results will be in excess of the value entered. This works for Date Values or other numerical entries.
- Less Than: Same as above except returns values up to but not equal to the entered value.
- Complete one or more of the entry fields using the Text Entry or Drop Down Selection options.
- Click on the Search button to confirm the search or click the X to cancel.
Note: Searches are not case sensitive.