Presentation Configuration

Presentation Configuration

You can change the Display, Search and Sort fields shown in the administration application. Please bear in mind this will not change what is displayed, searchable, or sortable on the client. Presentation configuration is specific to the administration application only.
You may change the type of data which appears in the columns of most pages in the work area of the administration application. It is also possible to change the order in which the columns appear.

To adjust the display configuration shown in the work area:

  1. Click the Presentation Configuration icon which is located next to the Search button. If the icon is not there, you cannot change the configuration for this particular page within the Administration Application.
  2. In the display fields tab of the pop up window, select in the left hand column items which you would like to add to the presentation of this page.
  3. Click on the right pointing arrow to add it to the list of items shown (the right hand box).
  4. Use the up and down arrows next to the right hand box to change the order in which items are displayed on the page.
  5. If you click on an item in the right hand box, you can change its display value. This is the value which is seen in the work area. For instance, you might change sys_descr to have the column header Description. Once you've made a change to the field in the right hand column, click Update to update that field.
    1. Fields can be of Type NIL (a regular field), Date or Select.
    2. Date formats are similar to this: hh:mm:ss a MM/dd/yyyy
    3. Select should be used when you have a Yes/No type field. You can then use Picklist aliasing for the field. The first column should be the value you wish to display. The second column should be the value the server returns. Click + to add another picklist option, or - to delete picklist options.
  6. Once you are happy with the items you have chosen to display, and the order in which they will be displayed, click Save to save your layout, and click X to close the window.

Some Notes on Presentation Configuration

Clicking Clear removes all items from the right hand column, to give you a fresh start. 
If you select two fields at the same time, and then click the right arrow to add them to the columns, the two database table fields will be joined into one column. You must then specify a delimiter to show between the two fields. For example, you may wish to have User / User Email in one column. You would enter '/' as a delimiter. 

Presentation configurations are saved when you generate scripts to copy this server's configuration to another server. See Creating and Restoring Configurations later in this guide for additional information regarding script generation. 

You can change the searchable and sortable fields within the Administration Application. Again, this affects only what is viewable in the Administration Application, not what is on the client. To set searching and sorting for the client, please see Field Mapping And Modification