Mass Deployment

Mass Deployment


Can we deploy the connector for many users at a time?


Yes, the connector can be deployed for a large number of users at the same time. A step-by-step guide is below:

1. Make a copy of your company's Mail Template and give it a different name (such as CRMMail9.ntf).  Place the new template in the root directory.

OR, you can use the CL Copy command on the Domino server to copy the database. For example CL copy <server>!!mail9.ntf <server>!!CRMMail9.ntf

2. Install the Lotus Notes Connector into the new CRM Mail Template (CRMMail.ntf)

For details, refer to Installing the LNC Plugin.  Note: Select the CRMMail9.ntf as the Mail Database.

3.  Deploy Admin DB (optional but recommended) - skip this step if the Admin DB is already installed.

Follow the instructions on How to Install the Admin DB to deploy the admin database called IENConnectorAdmin.nsf supplied by iEnterprises.

4.  Deploy for a few users and test.

Using the Load Convert Utility on the Domino console replace the design of a single user’s mail template with CRMMail.ntf. For example load convert mail\<user.nsf> * CRMmail9.ntf

For details, refer here Using Mail Covert Utility.

5. Open the mail file for the single test user and activate the Lotus Notes Connector as described here.  Verify it is connecting to the CRM and mail is functioning properly.

For details click on How to Activate LNC.

6. Deploy for Additional Pilot users. (Optional).

Once you have verified it is working for a single user deploy for additional users Using the Load Convert Utility on the Domino console. For example load convert mail\<user.nsf> * CRMmail9.ntf .

For details, refer here Using Mail Covert Utility.

Verify it is functioning properly for all pilot users.

7. Deploy for all CRM Users

Once you have verified it is working for pilot users, deploy for all additional CRM users using the Load Convert Utility on the Domino console. For example load convert mail\<user*> * CRMmail9.ntf

OR, You may want to use a text file containing the names of the mail files of all the CRM users so you can easily replace the design of only the CRM users by using “-f file name” option as described in the IBM documentation here - https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSKTMJ_9.0.1/admin/upgr_upgradingmailfileswiththemailconversionutility_t.html

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