A QuickBooks invoice can be created from the CRM.
Required settings:
- QuickBooks Integration is Enabled
- QuickBooks is Connected
- QuickBooks product ID must be set on the corresponding CRM product record
- QuickBooks Account or Customer ID must be set on the corresponding CRM Account or Customer
How to Create a New Invoice
1. From the Object Navbar, click on the Opportunity module.
2. Open an Opportunity record and click Tools > Create Invoice .
Won Opportunity
Invoice creation is only available for opportunities that are already "Won"
3. The system will look for a matching Account on QuickBooks
a. If a match is found, a dialog box with all matching Account by name is listed.
Select Account.
Click "Proceed with Existing Account" button.
b. If a match is not found, a prompt displays,
Click "Create New QuickBooks Account".
This Account is now added to QuickBooks
On iCRM, this Account now has a QuickBooks Account ID.
4. Message briefly appears "Invoice is Created".
5. Scroll down to QuickBooks Info section.
6. Notice that the QuickBooks Invoice ID field is set.